Introducing... the Mystery Minis Box

Part of the thrill for a skincare junkie is finding new favorites. With each product that our team doesn’t love, there’s the sense that the next box we open or cleanser we foam up will be that much lovelier! Maybe it’ll have a killer scent, genius packaging, or the texture of the cream will be something we’ve never seen before.
Our first and second Mystery Box sold out in just a few hours. We’ve loved the experience of hearing your feedback in real time, and making these boxes ultra-fun for our customers. We had so much fun curating the first two Mystery Boxes that we couldn’t stop now! Mystery Box 3 has been dubbed the Mystery Minis Box– and it’s going to be filled with is filled with a cool assortment of our favorite deluxe samples (some old, some new) as well as a few extra goodies :D.
We’ll have a very limited number of Mystery Mini Boxes available- so sign up here to be notified when they’re available.
If you want to get your hands on the box, you can grab one of them with free shipping to the US. Then, you can use #GlowTesting to let us know your thoughts on all the fun stuff inside this box!
Happy hunting,